Friday, October 08, 2004

Can you believe it?

...I'm not going to mention a hurricane in this post!! Sure, there's a low-pressure system out in the Gulf over there by Texas but hey, it's nameless. And, as she who has headed to the pen this morning would say, "That's a good thing".

So, running news. First of all, I ran in the Race For The Cure last Saturday. It was terrible. As I've said about a million times to anyone who will listen: I love the cause, hate the course. It's a tough, tough course. First of all, it's lonely past the start and end. There are people lined up, but they are cheering for their one specific person, not the group as a whole. I could be wrong, but I think that's an unusual thing. It's hard to run past people chomping on bagels and drinking coffee and just staring at the pack. Second, they don't post mile markers so you can't really pace yourself. Third, the end of the course points you toward the sun. Also, it was hot and humid. Which, of course, is no one's fault. But it adds to my excuse list, which is necessary to explain my dismal time of 27:49. Yuck. Some kind soul told me I could subtract ~1:30/mile for the humidity and heat (as per Jeff Galloway, a published expert on the subject), which would put my time closer to 24:00 which is more like it, but still. But you know what? It's a great cause, an amazing turnout, and it was worth the pain. :) Plus it got me out of running 12 miles like my crazy training partner Terra did that day. She only had to do 8-10, but always the over-achiever...

Last night we were supposed to run 6 miles (which we did). The weather is getting to be amazing. This fall-stuff makes living through hurricanes and humidity and vicious afternoon thunderstorms SO worthwhile. We mapped out our 6 miles and set to work. The thing is: it's not really work anymore. It's amazing that 6 miles was once a mile longer than our Saturday long run, but now it's just nothing. Really - I'm not just saying that. Terra mentioned something along those lines last night as we were beginning our last mile and we both remarked how we were anxious to be done for the sake of getting back to "home base" on time (we had a deadline) and not because our bodies were giving out. That is one of the problems of endurance training: it's not necessarily that you can't physically complete the run, it's setting aside hours for training.

In fact, this is where I'd like to say THANK YOU to my wonderful husband, who has been so incredibly supportive of my efforts to raise the money for the cause, to train, and for being so patient when my training means he's keeping the home fires burning. He has NOT complained (or even sighed heavily). As Maria (The Sound of Music) said, "Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good."

Tomorrow we're doing 11 miles.


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