Saturday, August 28, 2004

Well, I did it!! I got up at 10 minutes of 6 (YES, SIX!) and made it to the causeway by 6:33. Note to self: try to get there earlier. 15 more minutes of sleep isn't going to mean a thing if you are running late.

I ran 5 miles. I think I was waking up just as I was finishing. Throughout the run I was doing my usual, "I hate this. Where's the runner's high? I have to pee. Why didn't I have breakfast? I hate this. Will it ever end?" and then, remarkably, while I stood in the parking lot drinking my water I thought, "Dang. I want to do that again!" Is this some kind of weird sadomasochism?

I got home about 8:30. On the way I stopped for beer (yay!), milk, granola bars and cream cheese. Got my Dunkin' Donuts coffee and bagels and donuts. By 8:30 I was walking through the door!!

I think I can actually do this Saturday-morning-run thing again. And again and again. I was surprised at myself - how easily (somewhat) and quickly I polished off a 5 mile road run. I have a little more faith in myself this morning and my ability to run 5 times that amount in 4 months.

A little more.


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